
how do i speak to someone at aliexpress

how do i speak to someone at aliexpress

When we shop online, we always hope that we can contact the seller to ask about the size, size, material, use and other aspects of the product that we like.

It’s the same when shopping on AliExpress.

Today I will teach you how to contact specific people on AliExpress.

contact seller

chat with seller on aliexpress

If the seller does not set up an automatic reply robot

chat with seller on product chat room

Service staff on the AliExpress platform

There are still some time, we have disputes with the seller, and hope that we can use the help of platform operators. At this time, we need to contact AliExpress’s operations staff.

Contact the developers of AliExpress platform strategy

If you have any suggestions or usage problems for the App, such as failure to start, crashing, etc., you can report it to the developer in the following ways.

Review through the app store

you can write a rate to aliexpress app though the link:

Feedback via AliExpress App

feedback via aliexpress app
Go to myAccount-> click the setting button -> click the app suggestion -> reqport a problem.

then aliexpress staff will help you to fix the problem.

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