
shopee info

how to sell on shopee

how to sell in shopee

how to sell in shopee Shopee, as an emerging cross-border e-commerce platform mainly for Southeast Asia in recent two years, currently has seven major sites: Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam. Recently opened a new Brazil; Poland is also about to go online. What are the conditions for shopee seller registration? How is

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Can i use paypal in shopee?

Does shopee accept paypal? No ,Shopee now supports a total of 8 payment options: ShopeePay Cash on Delivery Credit/Debit cards Online Payment Payment Center/e-Wallet Over-the-Counter TouchPay Google Pay but don’t support paypal. if you want to buy with paypal, you can buy from AliExpress If you want to buy in large quantities and have customized

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